Lot GEMS 5161: Together in Excellence: Ripe orange, syrupy, almond, dark chocolate, raisin

Palaki Lakku is a revered name among Gems of Araku veterans, whose coffee has made it to seasons’ best since its debut in 2022. Two years on, his mastery in cultivating specialty coffee has only deepened and he attributes this success to the art of time management.

During the harvest season, Lakku meticulously selects crimson red cherries, carefully sorting and preparing them ahead of procurement. This strategic approach to managing time permeates every aspect of coffee cultivation - from precise mulching to timely harvest. He also acknowledges that his success would be incomplete without the discerning appreciation of quality coffee buyers & global coffee enthusiasts.

Lakku envisions a future where his children not only inherit his farm but also his legacy of delivering exceptional coffee. GEMS 5161 tantalizes the senses with notes of butterscotch, orange peel, dates and caramel, enveloped in a luxurious syrupy texture.


参考编号:GEMS 5161
重量:773 lbs
品种:Arabica Selection 9
高度:1128 masl
地点:Village: Gurra Garuvu | Mandal: Paderu
种植农:Palaki Lakku
干燥方法:13 days



International jury cupping notes:A tropical blend of pineapple, mango, and hints of pumpkin, with sweet undertones of vanilla and butterscotch. With a subtle hint of cherry notes and the aroma of vanilla sugar, along with the richness of chocolate and dried fruits. Brightened by mandarin orange peel and juicy fruit bread, balanced with hibiscus tea acidity. Lingering sweetness of dark caramel and smooth body, with juicy hints of orange, raisins, and green apple.

其他:Moisture: 10.6%


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